The book has been out but a short time and God is richly Blessing. We will soon be publishing a "What people are saying page" to let you know how the work is affecting the lives of its readers. An example comes from a reader in Indiana who said," It made me laugh,it made me cry,and it made me think." Another gentleman was so touched that he ordered a large amount of books to pass out to men in the state of Texas. I truly believe if you will travel the pages of this gift God has given me you,and those with whom you share it,will be Blessed and you will examine your own life and ask yourself the question," Am I having Real Moments with the Father that are changing my life." Thank you for the journey you are taking in this work and May our Lord continue to Bless its travels... Don
Don HicksDon Hicks is the author of Real Moments of Truth. From time to time Don will post an announcement, word of encouragement, or short devotional for his readers to enjoy! Archives
February 2014